
Altitude: approx. 350 m above sea level

Public and private facilities: Rifle club hall, sports field

The shooting club also plays a central role in this village. In the center of the village, the St. Hubertus shooting hall was built in 1974 by the marksmen themselves. It serves as a multi-purpose hall with a sports floor for many activities of all local clubs as well as vacation camps of youth organizations. In 1997, the building was expanded to include a contemporary function room. Every year, the carnival clubs and groups take part in the Rose Monday procession in Belecke with numerous floats and foot groups. In addition, two carnival meetings are held every year, the program of which is mostly composed of local actors.

The well-kept and quiet village away from the main roads has beautiful circular hiking trails with a wide view of the Sauerland and its endless forests.

For about 20 years the village has had a so-called talking coat of arms, whose 3 half-timbered buildings depicted there refer to the original name forms "Triburi" or also "Trevere", which refer the initial size of the village to the 3 farmsteads existing there in the High Middle Ages. The village was first mentioned in a document by the Archbishop of Cologne, Engelbert von Berg, in 1221.

Since 1536 Drewer has belonged to the administrative district of the Rüthen governorate, but in ecclesiastical terms it has been part of the original parish of Altenrüthen for much longer.

In 1737, the present-day St. Hubertuskapelle was built. In the widespread spirit of industrialization of the 19th century, coal was sought in the vicinity of the village, but then for a long time (until 1962) it was more successfully limited to the above-ground mining of quartz rock for the contemporary expanding road construction. The so-called. Born, an ancient striking spring pond, was in non-motorized times the constant destination of hikers, riders and carts, who roamed the village on the nearby ancient long-distance connection of the Haarweg and stopped there for a rest.

More info at: https://www.drewer.com/